The MDI Girl's Track and Field Team finished 3rd in the home Track and Field Meet on Saturday, April 29th. The Team will compete next Saturday in Brewer on May 7th. Caribou finished 1st with 222 points, Old Town 2nd at 154 points, MDI 3rd with 130 points, Narraguagus  and Mattanawcook Academy were tied for 4th with 26 points, and Fort Kent finished 6th with 19 points. Here's a link to all the individual results with the MDI results listed below

4x800 Meter Relay
1. MDI A Louise Chaplin, Lydia DaCorte, Olivia Watson, Tia Tardy 11:06.60

100 Meter Hurdles

11. Cadi Howell 22.48

100 Meter Dash
1. Ashley Anderson 12.67
2. Adrianna Novella 13.38
4. Grace Rodick 13.88
6. Alahna Mild 14.33
7. Celeigh Weaver 14.64
14. Mei Cook 15.03
16. Jenee Tardy 15.32
19. Cassia Barnes 15.58
26. Cadi Howell 16.35

1600 Meter Run

1. Zoe Olson 5:41.39
5. Katelyn Osborne 6:07.31
15. Yellow Fabian 7:13.53

4x100 Meter Relay
1. MDI A Lily Turner, Grace Rodick, Adriana Novella, Allyson Bender 53.12

400 Meter Dash
1. Tia Tardy 59.25
2. Ashley Anderson 59.81
9. Sydney Kachmar 1:10.91

300 Meter Hurdles
2. Allyson Bender 55.45

800 Meter Run
4. Katelyn Osborne 2:52.13
9. Louise Chaplin 3:02.92
11. Marissa Springer 3:06.65
16. Paige Mason 3:36.50

200 Meter Dash
2. Grace Rodick 29.74
8. Alahna Mild 30.57
11. Celeigh Weaver 30.95
14. Jenee Tardy 31.22
16. Cassia Barners 32.22
17. Molly Brown 32.30
21. Cadi Howell 35.04

4x400 Meter Relay
1. MDI A Allyson Bender, Adriana Novells, Tia Tardy, Ashley Anderson 4:27.05
X MDI C - Zoe Olson. Louise Champlin, Lydia DaCorte, Erin White 4:50.76
X MDI B - Sydney Kachmar, Alahna Mild, Lily Turner, Paige Mason 5:15.43

High Jump
1. Erin White 4-08.00

Long Jump

6. Celeigh Weaver 12-07.75

Javelin Throw
2. Megan Moore 92-02
11. Alicia Norberg 61-08
18. Bri Sumner 53-02
23. Rylee Burns 39-04

Discus Throw

11. Alicia Norberg 64-01
16. Rylee Burns 58-06
22. Sarah MacDonald 44-03

Shot Put
2. Alicia Norberg 30-11.00
8. Rylee Burns 24-06.50
19. Bri Sumner 20-01.50
23. Sarah MacDonald 18-09.00

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