Here are the sunrise and sunset times for Bar Harbor during the month of May 2021.

Daylight hours will increase from 14 hours and 17 minutes on May 1st to 15 hours and 21 minutes on May 31st. The first time that sunrise will occur before 5 a.m. is on Wednesday, May 20th when sunrise is at 4:49 a.m. The first time that sunset will occur on or after 8 p.m. will be on Thursday, May 20th, when sunset is at 8 p.m.

The full "Flower Moon" will occur on Wednesday, May 26th.

SaturdayMay 15:217:38
SundayMay 25:197:39
MondayMay 35:187:41
TuesdayMay 45:167:42
WednesdayMay 55:157:43
ThursdayMay 65:147:44
FridayMay 75:127:45
SaturdayMay 85:117:46
SundayMay 95:107:48
MondayMay 105:097:49
TuesdayMay 115:077:50
WednesdayMay 125:067:51
ThursdayMay 135:057:52
FridayMay 145:047:53
SaturdayMay 155:037:55
SundayMay 165:047:53
MondayMay 175:017:57
TuesdayMay 185:007:58
WednesdayMay 194:597:59
ThursdayMay 204:588:00
FridayMay 214:578:01
SaturdayMay 224:568:02
SundayMay 234:558:03
MondayMay 244:548:04
TuesdayMay 254:548:05
WednesdayMay 264:538:06
ThursdayMay 274:528:07
FridayMay 284:518:08
SaturdayMay 294:518:09
SundayMay 304:508:10
MondayMay 314:508:11
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