So the other day, I posted and commented on a story about a comedian who's traveling across the country paying for his purchases with bacon. It was pretty funny. But earlier this week, I read my brother's blog, and it wasn't funny.  My brother, Stephen Popper is President of Meals of Home in Collier Florida. September is Hunger Awareness Month. There are to many people who are hungry. Chances are we know someone who is receiving food stamps. There have been complaints about people asking for assistance in the public way in Bangor. Regardless of how you feel, hunger is an issue.

My brother is trying to live a week on food stamps. With his permission, I'll share his at times humorous and at times serious writing as he eats on a budget of $34.89. Remember these are Florida prices, and not Maine prices

Day 1 is below. Succeeding days will be posted in the comments, so please check back!

"Welcome to my blog. This week I will be writing my thoughts and experience as I participate in the Food Stamp Challenge. The idea of the Food Stamp Challenge is to live on what one person has to spend on food stamps for one week. First let me give you some background. I have been involved in helping the hungry during the last five years.

During that time I established Meals of Hope, and with the help of tens of thousands of volunteers have packaged over 15,000,000 meals that have been distributed predominantly by the Harry Chapin Food Bank. So I have been actively involved in fighting hunger. I know the statistics and they are not good. People waiting for hours before mobile pantries begin giving away food, and in Collier County over 27,000 school children participate in the free breakfast and lunch program. When Katie Schweikhardt, the Director of Programs and Collier County Coordinator for the Harry Chapin Food Bank, suggested we both participate in the Food Stamp Challenge I readily agreed. The only problem was I didn't know how much I had to spend. Well, I get to live on the grand total of $34.89 for the week. I guess this is an example of getting all the facts before agreeing to do something.

$34.89, I keep thinking of the lunch meeting I had on Friday. I spent almost half a week's worth on lunch!

So it is Sunday morning and I have not had a cup of coffee this morning. Not the way I like to start the day. . My wife Charissa is in the kitchen making french toast and bacon for my kids. The smell of coffee, French toast with maple syrup and bacon is too much. I run out of the house and head to Publix to pick up a few items for the week.

I just got back from Publix. Charissa is the shopper in the family and has given me all sorts of helpful suggestions - here's the flyer, make sure you look for two for one specials, etc. So I am looking at bread and trying to count how many slices are in a loaf of bread. I like bread - good Italian bread with a nice hard crust. I decide on Publix brand white bread. 22 slices for $1.05. Ok, where is the pasta aisle? Score! Ronzoni Spaghetti 2 for $1.37, and Publix Mac and Cheese - 2 boxes for $1. Tomato sauce - I need to compromise here. None of the four cheese with mushrooms and garlic sauces. I grab a can of plain Hunts Tomato sauce for $1.00 and head to the counter.

On the way home Charissa calls and says eggs are $1.39 at Target. So I spent $5.81 and I figure I got a couple of days out of my shopping. Perhaps I can do this and maybe lose a few pounds as well."








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