Learn About the MDI Rotary Club Wednesday April 5th
You are invited to join members of the Bar Harbor (MDI) Rotary Club on Wednesday, April 5 from 5 to 7 PM at the Jesup Memorial Library for a free informal reception to learn more about Rotary.
You will enjoy complimentary beer and wine, as well as appetizers and dessert catered by Cas Dowden of Cas Ole Catering, while meeting and networking with Rotarians and other community members. Learn more about how Rotary helps the local and global community, and how it gives its members opportunities to grow both personally and professionally. There will be prizes and raffles.
The mission of the Bar Harbor (MDI) Rotary Club is to bring together a diverse group of business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service and build goodwill and peace on Mount Desert Island and the world. Recent projects include the Park Street Playground Revitalization Program, Costa Rica Wheelchair Program, Bar Harbor Kids Book Festival, the annual Fourth of July Seafood Festival and Pancake Breakfast as well as efforts to eradicate polio. The club motto is "service above self." To find out more about the club, visit its site on Facebook or mdirotary.org
For more information contact Kayla Chagnon at the Jesup Memorial Library at kchagnon@jesuplibrary.org or Rotarian Carrie Jones at carriejonesbooks@gmail.com.