Amazing Sight: A Young Humpback Whale Has Been Spotted in This Maine River
Maine's Sheepscot River is used to having some action. Remember when a sand tiger shark was fished out of the river just last year? So, it should be to no surprise that 2023 has brought a new monster to the Midcoast river. However, this one is not as scary.
There's a baby humpback whale just hanging out in the Sheepscot River, and by all accounts, it's living its best life. I mean, this is just downright adorable.
The good people at the Marine Mammals of Maine posted this news recently of social media. The calf had been spotted near the harbor and was immediately observed. According to the organization, the whale is showing normal habits, including feeding. This behavior means no intervention is needed to aide "little" guy.
It is not uncommon to see a humpback whale in Maine. In fact, wildlifeinformer.com says it's the most common whale in the region. This is the type of whale that most will see on a whale watching cruise. Adult humpbacks can grow to a size of around 62 feet and weigh nearly 40 tons. That's similar to a World War ll battle tank.
While this small calf in the Sheepscot likely only weighs one ton, that little guy will soon be an absolute unit.
As neat as it is to have this unlikely whale hanging in the river, the Marine Mammals of Maine organization wisely stresses to stay clear of the calf. Humpbacks are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Plus, there's simply no reason to interfere with mother nature.
Here are some tips the Marine Mammals of Maine posted if interested in viewing the calf.
- Federal guidelines suggest viewing humpback whales at a minimum distance of at least 100 feet.
- Navigating in an area with whales should be done slowly at a no-wake speed, and engines put in neutral when whales approach to pass.
- Vessels should not enter into an area where whales are actively feeding.
- Whales can change direction quickly when following prey and exhibit unpredictable behaviors that can result in an unsafe situation for both people, and whales if approached too closely.