Now that remote learning is coming to an end, and with the graduations and promotions quickly approaching, parents and students are starting to look ahead to September 2020 and the beginning of the 2020-21 school year. Ellsworth Superintendent Dan Higgins sent out a letter to parents dated May 29th.

In it, he addressed the restarting of schools in September, among other topics. Here's what he had to say about restarting of schools...

The Maine DOE is developing guidance regarding the re-opening of our schools in the fall to support superintendents and local school systems deeming the most appropriate and safe manner of beginning a new school year. Our expectation is that the guidance, based on the most current science and CDC recommendations, will include options that can be considered on a regional rather than a statewide basis. While we await the release of the DOE’s guidance and remain optimistic that conditions will permit a full re-opening of our schools, Hancock County Superintendents and our District Administrative Leadership Team have already been engaged in preliminary discussions of a variety of factors and taken steps including but not limited to: identifying and ordering necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and supplies for staff and students, considering options for instructional models should we begin the year with in-school instruction, remote learning, or a combination of both, consider options for alternative schedules and student transportation to be consistent with physical distancing guidelines, procuring cleaning supplies and equipment necessary to maintain properly cleaned and disinfected school facilities and vehicles, and how we can support the social and emotional challenges students and staff may face as we prepare to return to in-school instruction and activities.

Please know we realize September will be here soon and will be working over the next several weeks to consider and evaluate all necessary information and guidance to determine how we will best begin the 2020-21 school year while implementing measures to protect the health and safety of our students and staff. As we complete the current school year and move into the summer months, I will keep you updated the status of planning efforts. I appreciate your understanding that there are multiple variables and dynamics to consider in the planning process, many of which continue to evolve in an unpredictable manner.

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