Ellsworth Kindergarten Registration
Have you registered your child for Kindergarten in the fall? Ellsworth residents who have a child who is 5 years old on or before October 15, 2020, are asked to register their children for Kindergarten at this time. Kindergarten Registration Packets for the Ellsworth Elementary/Middle School are available both on line at the School District Website, or may be mailed upon request.
For families without access to the internet, packets can be requested and mailed by calling 667-6241, Extension 2 and leaving parent and child names,the mailing address and a phone number where parents/guardians can be reached in case there are any questions. Those mailed registration packets can be returned to the school drop-off box or mailed back.
If online access is possible, download the registration forms onto your computer, fill out the forms electronically and email them back to scox@ellsworthschools.org. Forms may also be printed off, filled out, and returned to the entryway of the school, Mondays through Thursdays, from 8:00-12:00 in the “Kindergarten Registration Drop Off Box”, or mailed to Sherri Cox, 20 Forest Avenue, Ellsworth, Maine, 04605. Parents will be contacted to confirm registration was received. Remote meetings and phone meetings will be scheduled to provide more information for families.
Be sure to include in the registration packet a copy of your child’s birth certificate (original birth certificates will be reviewed at a later date), a copy of immunization records, a current photo of your child, and proof of your residency in Ellsworth (usually a utility bill).
Kindergarten screening will be done in the fall when the new school year begins.
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