Cheers to the Island’s First Responders [VIDEO]
There's a great Maine tradition for sport's teams... Win the State Title and you'll receive a escort home! The first responders on Mount Desert Island went all out today to greet the back to back Class A State Champions MDI High School One Act Drama Team!
When I spoke with Casey Rush today, he was hoping that there was going to be an escort. His wife had message the Mount Desert Island High School Resource Officer Tim Bland. I offered to make some phone calls once we knew what time the bus would be arriving back at the head of the Island.
Island residents should be extremely proud of their first responders. The Bar Harbor Police Department and Trenton Volunteer Fire Department Chief Steve Corson couldn't have been more gracious and accommodating on a Sunday afternoon. And not only did those two departments send vehicles, but so did the Southwest Harbor Fire Department, Northeast Harbor Ambulance, and Bar Harbor Fire Department. The Hancock County Sheriff Department was going to participate but had a call and a deputy was dispatched to deal with that at the last moment.
Here's video as the parade went through Town Hill thanks to David Charron
And thanks to Chris Dougherty for catching the reaction from the bus bringing home the 2-time State Champions!