Bar Harbor Town Meeting Results
The gym at the Conners-Emerson School was packed to near capacity on Tuesday night, June 6th, for the Bar Harbor Town Meeting, with discussions and votes going on until almost midnight.
All articles passed except the $400,000 bond for the Parking Meters. There was a written vote with 137 voting for the bond and 141 opposing the bond.
The municipal budget passed as the Warrant Committee recommended and two amendments on the floor totaling an additional $5,900 were passed. These included $2400 for additional funds for the Bar Harbor Band to play more days later in the summer season and $3500 for Eastern Area on Aging, a social agency that use to be funded but missed their application deadline several years ago.
The sanctuary article passed by a written vote as well, 351 Yes to 62 No.
Coming up on Tuesday, June 13th are the municipal elections where 3 new Town Councillors will be voted in, as well as voters weighing in on Question 12 and Question 13, in addition to other items.