Bar Harbor Town Council to Hold Public Hearing on Vacation Rentals
The Bar Harbor Town Council will be holding a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 18th at 4 p.m. concerning a proposed Land Use Ordinance Amendment on Vacation Rentals. The Public Hearing will be conducted via Zoom
Pursuant to Land Use Ordinance Chapter 125 section 125-9, the Bar Harbor Town Council will hold a public hearing Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 4:00 pm via Zoom webinar (Zoom info to be published soon) to consider placing the following amendment to Chapter 125 of the Town Code on the November 3, 2020 Town Meeting Warrant:
LAND USE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT – Vacation Rental - Shall an ordinance, dated June 18, 2020, and entitled “An amendment to Vacation Rental allowing currently registered vacation rentals to continue operating as long as the registration is renewed annually; creating two types of vacation rentals (VR-1 and VR-2) allowed in the same 34 zoning districts where vacation rentals are presently allowed; creating definitions for primary residence and vacation rental license; and regulating the rental of the entire dwelling unit or a part of thereof, the rental period (minimum number of nights), the maximum number of licenses that may be issued, and the transferability of licenses;” be enacted?
To view the full text amendment click here. Comments may be emailed in advance to