Bar Harbor Route 3 Construction to Resume March 30
The long long Route 3 construction project in Bar Harbor will resume March 30th, but the good news is that it is scheduled to be finished by the middle of June.
Planned work for 2019 will include concrete curbing, and ADA ramp and drainage work. In the spring, erosion will be cleaned up and sidewalks will be paved, as will a few driveways. A further stretch of road will be surface paved, and new trees will be planted. An escape shoulder will be added at Sand Point Road, and various other improvements will be made
As always, we will attempt to post the scope of work for the particular week, here on the WDEA website.
Update - From the MDOT - “The contractor will start moving back into the area second week in April. There will be a detour this year and that will be operational sometime in May. There is no definite schedule of work as of yet"
2018 Accomplishments
- Large sections of water lines replaced.
- Replacement of drainage systems and structures.
- New, wider paved shoulders and new pavement on Route 3.
- New ADA-compliant paved sidewalks.
- New ten-foot-wide paved multiuse path, from the Ferry Terminal to the West Street intersection.
- Granite curbing for sidewalks and the multiuse path.
- New guardrail at Ocean Avenue, the Bluffs, and Duck Brook.
- Placed crushed rock all along the Bluffs in the “rock catchment area.”
- Loamed and seeded a large portion of the project (More to be done in the spring).
- Placed a large portion of the new signs that will replace existing roadway signage.