Lines were longs as voters in Bar Harbor went to the polls on June 12th. Voters had to decided on a contested Town Council ballot, a MDI School District Trustee, 4 Land Use Ordinance Amendments, the Ferry Terminal Land Purchase and the Parking Meter System.

Town Council - Top 2 Elected for 3 Year Term
Joseph Minutolo - 1103
Gary Friedman - 959
Peter St. Germain - 670

Article 2 - Land Use Ordinance Amendment - Adoption of the Statewide Timber Harvesting Standards and Repeal of the Forest Management and Timber Harvesting Provisions in the Land Use Ordinance
Yes 857
No 667

Article 3 - Land Use Ordinance Amendment - Shoreland Zoning Corrections Required by DEP
Yes 1454
No 135
Article 4 - Land Use Ordinance Amendment - Integration of Appendix C (Table of Permitted Uses) and Individual Official Neighborhood District Maps Into Article III (Land Use Activities and Standards)
Yes 1388
No 144

Article 5 - Land Use Ordinance Amendment - Official District Boundary Map Amendment Downtown Residential Downtown Village II- Veterinary Clinic Use in Downtown Village II
Yes 1462
No 114


Article 6 - Ferry Terminal Land Purchase - Shall the Town of Bar Harbor authorize the Town Council to provide for the purchase of the former Ferry Terminal Property. To appropriate the sum of 3.5 Million Dollars and authorize the the issuance of general obligation bonds not to exceed 3.5 Million Dollars.
Yes 1380
No 213


Article 7 - Parking Meter System - Authorize the Town Council to purchase and installation of the downtown Parking Meter System to include the purchase of 400+ electronic parking meters including but not limited to parking meters, kiosks, accompanying  software, handheld citation meters and all other equipment costs. Appropriate $600,000 to provide for the costs of said project.
Yes 859
No 719


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