Bar Harbor Bed Races [PHOTOS]
Cottage Street in Bar Harbor was lined with around a thousand spectators at 10:15 AM Saturday morning, November 11th for the 9th Annual Bed Races. This year there were 9 teams entered, and Krazy Jake provided the running commentary from in front of The Criterion Theatre for the 2nd year in a row.
This year the teams took off from in front of The Criterion, running down to the corner of Cottage and Main Street where they had to go around a cone, then run back down and cross the finish line. Making it a little more challenging, the bed rider had to hold on to an egg, and if they dropped the egg there would be a 5 second penalty, and if they cracked the egg an additional 5 second penalty would be assessed.
The top 3 teams ran in a second heat, and for the 2nd year in a row, the team from R.M. Flagg were the winners. Finishing in 2nd place was the team from the MDI Biological Lab, and the team from the Bar Harbor Inn finished in 3rd place.
The Bar Harbor Inn's bed around the theme of The Polar Express was judged to be the "Best Decorated" and they won that category.
Check out photos from the races and congratulations to all the contestants! Start planning your costumes and strategy so your team can enter next year's event!