1st 2023 Baby Born at MDI Hospital is a Boy!
It's a Boy! The 1st baby born at MDI Hospital in 2023 and the 2nd baby born in the State of Maine is a boy!
Caitlyn and Gabriel of Fletchers Landing Township are the proud parents of MDI Hospital’s 2023 New Year’s Baby, Oakley, arriving at 2:18 AM on January 1st measuring 18 inches and weighing 6lbs 9.9 ounces!.
Caitlyn says of her labor and delivery with MDI Hospital Obstetrics, “I really liked my experience here, the nurses were so helpful”. CEO/President Chrissi Maguire offered the parents her congratulations earlier today, and shared in the OB teams excitement that MDI Hospital welcomed its first baby so early in the new year.
In celebration of the first baby born in the new year at MDI Hospital, the family will be sent home with a gift basket full of gifts from local businesses, a tradition that has had overwhelming support for many years.
MDIH New Year’s Baby 2023 Donors include: A&B Naturals, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, Bethany Roberge, Carroll Drug Store, Inc., Dead River Company, Fiore Artisan Olive Oils and Vinegars, First National Bank, Galyn's Galley, Geddy's, Hannaford, Island Quilt Guild, Jesup Memorial Library, Jordan's Restaurant, Julie Hagle, Machias Savings Bank, Mount Desert Islander, Mount Desert Island Auxiliary, Paradis Ace Hardware, Sherman's Books and Stationary, Spruce and Gussy, The Acadia Corporation, The Kimball Shop, Window Panes, “The Logee Family”, and Raising Readers.
The 1st baby born in Maine was Jude Owen Dow who was born at LincolnHealth Miles Maternity in Damariscotta on January 1st at 12:44 a.m.