Wondering Who Is Eligible to Receive Free Rides From Island Connections?
Are you or do you have a friend or loved one who is over the age of 70 or maybe have a temporary or permanent disability? If so, you are eligible for free rides from Island Connections!
Island Connections provides rides to seniors 70 and up, with no questions asked as well as to those of any age with temporary and permanent disabilities.
If you are under the age of 70 and are temporarily restricted or temporarily disabled to drive due to a medical reason determined by a physician you just need to provide a doctor's note to Island Connections. If you are permanently disabled under the age of 70, you just need to provide a benefits statement from the Social Security Administration to Island Connections.
If you are eligible (see above) and live on Mount Desert Island and the surrounding islands you can call Island Connections at 288-4457 to take advantage of the free transportation and schedule a ride.
If you would like to volunteer to give rides please call Doreen Willett at 288-4457 or email her at director@islconnections.org. You can also fill out an online application HERE