Ton of Pasta Set For Saturday February 10th
Please save the date! Saturday, February 10th, DJ Fred and I will be at the Ellsworth Hannaford from 10 AM to 2 PM to collect pasta for our annual Ton of Pasta event. When we started this back in 2003, we thought wouldn’t it be fantastic if with our 4 stations combined, if we could collect 2000 pounds of pasta COMBINED! But, thanks to our listeners and a generous community, we usually collect somewhere between 3 and 4 ton! That’s a heck of a lot of pasta!
We normally get asked why pasta, and are reminded that it isn’t necessarily the healthiest food. I tell people that we will take whatever food or cash they wish to donate, and we have had some people give us rice and peanut butter, and we are thankful. But here’s the reason why we ask for pasta, a pound of pasta will feed a family of four. Yes, there are healthier options, but if you’re hungry, which unfortunately there are far too many hungry people, a box of pasta will satiate the hunger pains. Plus, when we started this 16 years ago, you could buy 4 or 5 boxes of pasta for a dollar, so it was pretty easy for people to donate.
When I stand out in the cold for four hours, it gives me the chance to talk to listeners and our community. While I am grateful for every and any donation, there are two specific kind of donations that make me so happy. The first is when children donate. When moms and dads have their children come over and give us their boxes of pasta, it gives me hope. Hope that these children will learn that taking care of our community is essential, and helping those in need is what’s right and good!
The other donations that warm my heart on cold days is when someone comes up and hands me a box of pasta and says you know, ___ years ago, I needed pasta and got it from ______ food bank. Now, my situation is a little better and it’s my turn to return the favor!
All donations on Saturday, February 10th at the Ellsworth Hannaford will be given to the Emmaus Center in Ellsworth and the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry.
Our other stations will be at the Brewer Hannaford, Old Town Hannaford and Union Street Hannaford in Bangor