Today’s National DJ Day!
Today, Thursday, January 20th is National DJ Day! One of the absolute best parts of my job is when I can go out into the community and broadcast, whether it's a pancake breakfast, a football or basketball game or some other community event.
When the pandemic began 22 months ago, I remember sitting at home at night, having dinner with my wife and both of thinking wow... this is nice, but now what? We were both so busy, with meetings, basketball games, broadcasts on the weekends that we rarely had dinner together during the week in the fall and winter. The forced "slow-down" was nice, but definitely weird!
Flash forward to a year ago, and January 19, 2021 was the first basketball game we broadcast after the restart of the Winter Basketball season. Now, in 2022, we have already broadcast about 30 games, not counting sub-varsity games, and we have 17 games scheduled January 20-February 9.
I desperately missed broadcasting in the community and telling your stories and promoting your events. I love being out in the community and enjoyed the events we were able to broadcast from early last summer, and I hope that we will be able to be at more and more events this Spring and Summer as long as we can do it safely.
I am lucky that I can still share what's happening on the WDEA website and help promote the virtual and the live events that are taking place, safely. I yearn for the days when we can all join together and enjoy all the events that we used to take for granted. I promise you, I won't take these events for granted again, especially after being without for nearly a year!
I am so blessed that so many members of the community share information with me, so I can in turn share their information with you. It's a responsibility that I don't take lightly. As I tell people, I can't share your info, if you don't send it to me! I may not be able to share it all, but will do the best I can!
To all the great DJ's that took the time to teach me, and help me learn, thank you. I hope I have done you proud.