You have probably seen on your Face Book feed "Day 1 I'm thankful for....." and "Day 2 I'm thankful for.....". It's time for the Thirty Days of Thanks Challenge. It's the all inclusive challenge, whereas "Noshave-ember" is just for the guys :)

But seriously, I think the Thirty Days of Thanks Challenge is a great thing. All too often we are so busy with the day to day grind, tending to the house, doing the chores, doing school work, trying to succeed etc. that we forget to take a moment and give thanks. Thanks for our families, our health, our accomplishments, our surroundings, and yes, even our challenges. So I encourage you to stop for a moment, and think about what you're thankful for, each and every day, not just in November but always. You don't have to proclaim it for the world, but taking a moment and acknowledging it will allow you to breathe for a moment, and that's a good thing.

And speaking of good things, might I suggest that you try and be the reason someone is thankful? Do a good deed for someone today, and every day! If we all did that, imagine how great things would truly be!

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