Ten For Tennessee Raffle
The Beech Hill School's Destination Imagination Team needs your help so they can compete in the Destination Imagination Global Finals in Knoxville, Tennessee in the end of May. The "Black Hole to Imagination" Team is fundraising, using a calendar raffle, where for $10 you can have a chance to win a prize May 1st - 10th. Tickets are $10 each or 6 for $50.00.
The Team from Otis The team was at Friends & Family Grocery Store in Ellsworth on Friday, April 21st from 9:00-3:00 selling tickets. They will be at Shaw's in Ellsworth on Saturday, April 22nd from 9:00-3:00 and then at the Otis General Store in Otis on Sunday April 23rd from 9:00-3:00. Tickets may also be purchased by calling the Beech Hill School at 537-2203 during school hours.
The Black Hole to Imagination consists of seven members, Darren Easler, Kolten Sargent, Dallas Flood, Henry O'Neil, Silas Montigny, Emily Gagnon and Briann Ormsby.
Your ticket is good for each day, and you can win more than once. Prizes include
May 1st - $25.00 gift certificate to Sylvia's Restaurant in Ellsworth
May 2nd - $25.00 gift certificate to Finn's Irish Pub in Ellsworth
May 3rd - $25.00 gift certificate to any Sea Dog's Brewing Location
May 4th - $25.00 gift certificate to Flex-It Cafe in Ellsworth
May 5th - $25.00 gift certificate to Helen's Restaurant in Ellsworth
May 8th - $25.00 gift certificate to the Union River Lobster Pot in Ellsworth
May 9th - $25.00 gift certificate to Mason's Brewing in Brewer
May 10th - $25.00 gift certificate to Havana Restaurant in Bar Harbor
May 11th - $25.00 gift certificate to Perry's Lobster Shack in Surry
May 12th - $25.00 gift certificate to to any Pat's Pizza location