Street List By Town Where Versant Expects Power to Be Restored by Monday Night
As of 5 p.m. on Monday, December 26th there were approximately 7,400 Versant Power customers without power.
The work being done throughout the remainder of today will likely restore power to the streets listed here on the Restoration Report by Town. The list is not a guarantee that power will be restored. Additional damage may need to be repaired to fully restore the listed locations.
Versant customers in Central Aroostook, Southern Penobscot, and Washington counties will have power restored by end of day on Tuesday, with exception of individual and remote locations - these areas may have power restored by Wednesday.
Restoration for islands requiring boat access are being assessed Tuesday morning.
Hancock County is currently the focus of the majority of Versant Power resources. Crews continue to find more broken poles, which take longer to repair, and there are many damage points that must be fixed to restore power to customers. Crews continue to make steady progress, but restoration will not be complete until end of day Thursday.

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