St. Joseph College Fall 2020 Dean’s List
St. Joseph's College in Standish released the list of students who were recognized for their academic achievement for the Fall 2020 semester by earning a place on the Dean's List.
To be eligible for Dean’s List, a student must attain an average of 3.5 or better, successfully complete all courses for which the student is registered with no grade less than a B-, and must carry a course load of 14 credits minimum.
Normally we would just list students from Hancock and Washington Counties and link to the full list, but given the fact that it's the weekend and we can't get a hold of anyone at St. Joseph's College we are listing everyone. Congratulations on your achievement! Keep it up!
- Ashtyn Abbott
- Devin Abbott
- Safa Al kinani
- Emma Allen
- Hailey Anderson
- Isabella Anton
- Emma Auclair
- Abigail Auger
- Kevin Aylward
- Claire Baker
- Kevin Baker
- Nicole Baron
- Sara Barrett
- Lindsey Barrow
- Jacklyn Bearse
- Alirose Beauregard
- Aubri Bechard
- Austin Belleau
- Jack Benjamin
- Isabel Berube
- Shannon Bethel
- Julia Biggins
- Kaelyn Blais
- Maeve Blodgett
- Kiley Blondin
- Abigail Blouin
- Morgan Bouchard
- Faith Boucher
- Reginald Bourn
- Alia Bradley
- Shawn Breen
- Abigail Brewer
- Chelsea Brewer
- Harrison Brickett
- Erin Bruce
- Rachel Bruns
- Carol Bucklin
- Mackenzie Buteau
- Rachael Buxbaum
- Elizabeth Callahan
- Daniel Carew
- Caitlin Carpenter
- John Casale
- Adam Casey
- Jessica Cash
- Grace Chadbourne
- Libby Chadbourne
- Kailyn Chamberlin
- Logan Champlin
- Michael Chandler
- Alexis Charles
- Matthew Chasse
- Kyle Cocciardi
- Cassandra Collin
- Natani Condo
- Burke Cornish
- Kelsey Courtois
- Ian Couture
- Isabella Cowing
- Libbi Currie
- Rowan Daligan
- Amanda Darby
- Evanthia Daukopulos
- Shaylee Davis
- Caitlyn Demers
- Jaiden Dennison
- Isabel Descoteaux
- Alexia DeVinney
- Lydia Dexter
- Emily Dion
- Michael Doherty
- Kendall Dolan
- Katherine Dormady
- Eleanor Dow
- Carly Downey
- Michelle Drown
- Emma Dubuc
- Jessica Dusseault
- Nolan Dyer
- Abigail Earle
- Noah Elmore
- Darren Emerson Jr.
- Brittany Faucher
- Samantha Fazio
- Kate Ferguson
- Alyson Fillion
- Lauren Fisher
- Hannah Flaherty
- Trevor Flanagan
- Kaitlyn Fleurant
- Cassandra Fries
- Ben Gallagher
- Rachel Gardella
- Meghan Glisson
- Janelle Goff
- Emilie Gorman
- Colin Grant
- Adia Grogan
- Nicholas Guiou
- Bailey Gustin
- Madison Hall
- Parker Hall
- Tatum Hancock
- Erika Hannigan
- Olivia Haraden
- Kristian Harris
- Kyle Harris
- Melissa Hebert
- Troy Hendricks
- Julia Heroux
- Quinn Hewitt
- Aidan Hickey
- Danika Hill
- Marissa Hoffman
- Jackson Hogan
- Emma Holbrook
- Bryce Holland
- Meghan Hoppe
- Sarah Hotchkiss
- Nina Howe
- Olivia Howe
- Jacob Huberdeau
- Emily Huff
- Emily Hughes
- Hannah Hughes
- Kathryn Huntress
- Alexa Hussey
- Nicholas Iannuzzi
- Samantha Imbeault
- Erica Irvin
- Claudia Janelle
- Karen Janocha
- Michael Janocha
- Luke Johnson
- Allison Jope
- Carly Jordan
- Justin Juliano
- McKenzie Keim
- Patrick Kelly
- Elizabeth Keyes
- Hannah Kibbin
- Megan Kiley
- Samantha Knight
- Victor Kury
- Lexis Labonte
- Madeleine LaBrecque
- Sarah Lachance
- Alex Laferriere
- Allison LaFerriere
- Brynne Lander
- Autumn Landry
- Rebecca Lane
- Kelsey Larson
- Renee Leask
- Wyatt Leblanc
- Brandon Leclerc
- Cassidy Lee
- Lauren Leidemann-Smith
- Abigail Lenko
- Hannah Leonard
- Alexandra LoConte
- Daniella Lombardo
- Scott Lynch
- Thomas MacGregor
- Lauren Malloy
- Richard Marciano
- Jacob Marshall
- Kristopher Mason
- Michael Mason
- Brooke Matthews
- Morgan Mayhew
- Morgan Mccabe
- Molly McCluskey
- Haley McCullough
- Liam McManus
- Joseph McPherson
- Emma-Rose Mellon
- Henry Melville
- Lauren Merrill
- Kaylee Meserve
- Hannah Michael
- Maya Michaud
- Carolyn Mooers
- Holly Moores
- Olivia Morelli
- Mason Morin
- Grace Morrisseau
- Caroline Mosca
- Hayden Motter
- Natasha Munzner
- Alice Murphy
- McKenzie Murphy
- Samantha Murray
- Eliza Nadeau
- Karim Naja
- Allison Neales
- Hannah Neilson
- Valerie Neuhausser
- Madelyn Nida
- Abigail O’Brien
- Erin Olson
- Madison Orrell
- Alexander Osmanski
- Taylor Owen
- Mallory Palmer
- Olivia Papciak
- Summer Parsons
- Ashley Parvin
- Zoe Pascuzzo
- Hannah Paul
- Mallory Pelton
- Elizabeth Pennell
- Maria Perez
- Maeghan Perkins
- Shawn Perry
- Michael Peterson
- Shawn Pichardo
- Nicole Poirier
- Tara Powers
- Isabella Profenno
- Megan Quirion
- Jacob Radwan
- Samual Randall
- Angela Ranger
- Bailey Rassol
- Patrick Rauseo
- Ricardo Reyes
- Cameron Rice
- Ethan Richard
- Hunter Richardson
- Erin Ridley
- Jarrett Riel
- Abby Riva
- Cody Rizzo
- Nicholas Roberts
- Tayla Roberts
- Randi Robinson
- Jacob Rockwood
- Jillian Rolfe
- Colette Romatis
- Emily Rose
- Hannah Rose
- Greta Ross-Bartlett
- Hanna Roy
- Megan Roy
- Lily Russell
- Emma Rutledge
- Emily Ryan
- Tatsuaki Sakai
- Patrick Sanderson
- Emily Sanges
- William Schwarz
- Cailin Seavey
- Abigail Sevigny
- Kelly Sheehan
- Nicole Sheehan
- Natalie Shields
- Elizabeth Shultz
- Eilidh Sidaway
- Sophie Silva
- Mattingly Simaan
- Alexandria Simpson
- Emma Sinford
- Logan Skinner
- Alyssa Smith
- Brenna Smith
- Emily Smith
- Julia Snow
- Cassandra Stapelfeld
- Maxwell Stapelfeld
- Makayla Starbird
- Luke Stephens
- Grant Stewart
- Mary Strickler
- Noah Sturgis
- Kristin Sullivan
- Samantha Summerfield
- Danielle Tardiff
- Amanda Tavoletti
- Samuel Tevanian
- BritneyTheroux
- Mackenzie Thompson
- Kaylee Todisco
- Ben Toussaint
- Kaylyn Trussell
- Jessica Turcotte
- Abigail Turgeon
- David Tuttle
- Julie Unczur
- Mikayla Van Zandt
- Connor Vaughan
- Tatianna Velilla
- Danielle Vermette
- Sophia Viger
- Catherine Vogel
- Harley Wade
- David Walbridge
- Katherine Walls
- Kaleigh Walsh
- Elijah Ward
- Stefani Warriner
- Ryan Watson
- Madison Weatherbee
- Margrett Weaver
- Jenna-Marie Webster
- Chelsea Welch
- Cailyn Wesley
- Samantha West
- Brandon Whitlock
- Andrea Whitney
- Bethany Willson
- Aaliyah Wilson Falcone
- Madeline Wood
- Anthony Wright
- Cassidie Wright
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