RSU 24 Alters School Calendar and Extends Thanksgiving Break
RSU 24 Superintendent of Schools Michael Eastman in a letter to parents on Friday, November 12th announced that the schools would be closed the entire week of Thanksgiving, November 22-26. They were originally scheduled to have been in school November 22-24
Dear Parent/Guardian:
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the halfway point in November and that we have completed over 2 months of school. Without any hesitation, this school year has been one of the more difficult years (in my six plus years as Superintendent) to navigate. The only thing that is certain this year is the uncertainty that exists as part of the impact of the pandemic on our schools and our operations.
It is obvious to me through my conversations, from emails, and from observations in and around the district that people are exhausted. This exhaustion is having an impact on the mental health of many stakeholders in our school district. Students are feeling the weight of the uncertainty that exists day-to-day with the pandemic. Parents are working hard and are often exasperated with the changes made by the school on very short notice. Our staff, who have worked hard throughout these last two months have had to endure continuous demands and changes that have come about as the result of COVID. The stress endured by each and every stakeholder has taken a toll on our entire community With that concern in mind, I believe it is necessary to take measures to support our students, our parents, and our staff. In response, we will be altering the school calendar, and shutting down our operations for the entire Thanksgiving week. Each one of our buildings will be closed to afford our students, staff, and our families across the district the time to rest and relax. We will reopen our buildings on Monday, November 29th.
Please feel free to contact the Principal at your child's school or me ( with any questions. In the spirit of the holiday, please know that I am thankful for the hard work, the patience, and the understanding that has been required of families, students, and staff during the pandemic. I wish for each of you, a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving week.
Sincerely - Michael Eastman - Superintendent of Schools