PVC All-Conference and All-Academic Teams for Fall 2021
The Penobscot Valley Conference (PVC) released their All-Conference and All-Academic Teams for the Fall 2021 semester. Congratulations to all!
(If there are any omissions or spelling errors please email chris.popper@townsquaremedia.com )
Class B Golf All-Conference
- Caribou - Jacob Walton
- Ellsworth - Keegan Omlor
- Hermon - Logan Scripture and Parker Foley
- John Bapst - Justin Solomon, Travis True and Charlotte Blanchard
- MDI - Kasch Warner, Shepherd Brown and Emily Carter
- Presque Isle - Jack Boone, Gavin Dunleavy and Owen MacKinnon
- Coach of the Year - Kent Johnson - Hermon
- Boys Player of the Year - Logan Scripture - Hermon
- Girls Player of the Year - Emily Carter - MDI
- PVC Class B Champions - Hermon; Runner Up - MDI
Class C Golf All Conference
- Dexter - Chase Farnsworth and Caityln Chabot
- Houlton - Collin Moody and Garrett Harvey
- Mattanawcook Academy - Carson IMunson and Brayden Irish
- Orono - Ellis Spaulding and Clarice Bell
- Washington Academy - Carson Prout
- Coach of the Year - Dave Grant - Houlton
- Boys Player of the Year - Collin Moody - Houlton
- Girls Player of the Year Caitlyn Chabot - Dexter
- PVC Class C Champions - Houlton; Runner Up - Dexter
Golf All Academics
- Calais - Cassidy Carr, Zac Wentworth and Kobe Saunders
- Dexter - Caitlyn Chabot
- Ellsworth - Keegan Omlor
- Foxcroft Academy - Marshall Burt and Seojin Yoo
- GSA - William MacArthur
- Hermon - Parker Foley, Parker Edwards, Jackson Cole and Faith Coombs
- Houlton - Collin Moody, Garrett Harvey, Kollin Irish and Alysa Nightingale
- John Bapst - Justin Solomon
- MDI - Emily Carter
- Narraguagus - Marissa Arey and Joseph Ray-Smith
- Orono - Clarice Bell
- Old Town - Austyn Moores and Aidan Rand
- Presque Isle - Ben Duprey and Tyler Farnham
- Shead - Kahlysta Morris
- Washington Academy - Ben Savage
Field Hockey
All Conference 1st Team
- Dexter - Rayna Barnard
- Foxcroft Academy - Aleshia Raymond, Meghan Spooner and Annie Raynes
- Hermon - Ainsley Carr
- John Bapst - Audra Brooks
- Old Town - Madelyn Arsenault and Kilee Bradeen
- Orono - Lauryn Brown and Celia Beutens
- PCHS - Martina Hill
All Conference 2nd Team
- Cental - Bayley Cassavant
- Dexter - Elisa Picariello
- Foxcroft Academy - Lauren Martin
- Hermon - Allie Erdt
- John Bapst - Olivia Rand
- Mattanawcook Academy - Lindsay Chandler
- Old Town - Lexi Thibodeau
- PCHS - Elizabeth Kendall and MacKenie Kain
- Stearns - Makalya Anderson and Sydney Campbell
Honorable Mention
- Central - Emily Chapney -Brown
- Foxcroft Academy - Kaityln Lord
- Old Town - Abby Shorrette
- Orono - Abby Deschaine and Laura Cost-Kirkpatrick
- PCHS - Sydney Hitchins
- PVC Coach of the Year - Megan Dreher - Orono
- Player of the Year - Madelyn Arsenault
- Class B Champion - Old Town
- Class C Champion - Foxcroft Academy
Field Hockey All Academics Team
- Central - Emily Champney-Brown and Bailey Casavant
- Dexter- Molly Bennett, Kiana Bennett, Rayna Barnard, Emma Paige and Jennifer Young
- Foxcroft Academy - Reece McCarty and Meghan Spooner
- Hermon - Ainsley Carr and Maryn Miles
- John Bapst - Celia Bonora, Audra Brooks, Askia Dube, Emily Faulkingham, Lindsey Kelly and Olivia Rand
- Old Town - Logan Gardner, Madelyn Emerson, Sydney Loring, Abigail Shorette, Madelyn Emerson, Kiley Bradeen, Chelsey Cote, Lexi Thibodeu and Vanessa Caron
- Orono - Lauren Brown, Hannah Sinclair, CJ Cadman, Celia Beutens and Chloe Labree
- PCHS - Eizabeth Kendall, Sydney Hutchins, Aliyah Ouellette and Hannah Dow
- Stearns- Makayla Anderson, Kasey Kenyon and Maitlyn Marcin
1st Team All-Conference
- GSA - Evelyn Dagan and Sophia Biggie
- MDI - Addy Boyce
- Narraguagus - Laney Oliver
- Washington Academy - Chloe Dinsmore and Isabel Cates
- Coach of the Year - Corey Schwinn - Washington Academy
- Co-Players of the Year - Evelyn Dagan - GSA and Addy Boyce - MDI
- PVC Champions - Washington Academy
2nd Team All-Conference
- Calais - Kendra Stevens
- GSA - Regan Libby
- Machias - Jacey Barabe
- MDI - Bailey Goodell
- Narraguagus - Autumn Peterson
- Washington Academy - Rachel Vose
Honorable Mention
- Calais - Lexi Doten and Neveah Thomas
- Ellsworth - Skyler Clayton and Rachel Endre
- Machias - Mikayla Oakes
- Washington Academy - Sarah Moulton
Volleyball All-Academic Team
- Bucksport - Zoey Johnson and Emma Veilleux
- Calais - Alexis Doten and Emma Saunders
- Ellsworth - Jocelyn Jordan, Amber Rae Pesek, Grace Gump and Bailey Clarke
- GSA - Evelyn Dagan, Ashley Emerson, Sophia Biggie and Sofia Lantratove
- Machais - Mikayla Oakes
- MDI - Madison Ford, Bailey Goodell and Delaney Sweeney
Class B Girls All Conference 1st Team
- Ellsworth - Addi Laslie and Paige Sawyer
- Foxcroft Academy - Leah Hill
- Hermon - Sydney Gallop, Lyndsee Reed, Maddy Higgins and Michaela Saulter
- John Bapst - Claire Gaetani and Aubrey Hanscom
- MDI - Lelia Weir
- Old Town - Danica Brown
- Coach of the Year - Eric Damboise - Old Town
- Player of the Year - Sydney Gallop - Hermon
- PVC Champions - Hermon
All Conference 2nd Team
- Caribou - Gabrielle Sutherland
- Ellsworth - Julie Mattson
- Hermon - Allie Cameron
- John Bapst - Natalea Pepin and Ruby Dwyer
- MDI - Sabine Costello-Sanders
- Old Town - Kayleigh Johnston, Ashley Talcove and Kamoi Turner
- Presque Isle - Sydney Tawfall and Olivia Kohlbacher
Class B Boys All Conference 1st Team
- Ellsworth - Cruz Coffin
- Foxcroft Academy - Kenley Marsters and Danny Cornett
- Hermon - Michael Snyer
- John Bapst - Kyle Sidway, Oscar Martinez and John Pangburn
- MDI - Ieuan Howell
- Presque Isle - Xavier McAtee, Jonah Roy, Malachi Cummings and Ryllan Thibault
- Coach of the Year - Tim McCue - Presque Isle
- Player of the Year - Kensley Marsters - Foxcroft Academy
- Team Champions - Presque Isle
All Conference 2nd Team
- Ellsworth - Luke Perry, Darren Easler, Tanner Seura and Silas Montigny
- Foxcroft Academy - Jacob Reed
- John Bapst - Hunter Clukey
- MDI - Sophia Barker and Henning Reinholdt
- Old Town - Gabe Gifford
- Presque Isle - Quinn Demerchant
Class C Boys All Conference 1st Team
- Bucksport - Colin Simpson and Evan Donnell
- Central - Simon Allen
- GDA - Arden Weaver and Cyrus Blake
- Orono - Tommy Owen and Javier Alicea Santiago
- Penquis - Alvin Robshaw
- Sumner - Caelan Billings and Eduardo Figeroa
- Washington Academy - Kenori Simmons
- Coach of the Year - Jason Mills - Penquis
- Player of the Year - Arden Weaver - GSA
- Team Champions - Orono
2nd Team All Conference
- Bucksport - Jacob Brezovsky and Kai Brown
- Central - Bryce Burns
- Houlton - Cody Johnston
- Narraguagus - Jonathan Rameriz
- Orono - Noah Kreutz and Chase Campbell
- Penquis - Corbin Cyr
- PCHS - Christian Homchuck
- Washington Academy - Omari Levon and Bailey Wood
3rd Team All Conference
- Calais - Alex Richard
- Central - Kennen Bean and Raolin Willis
- GSA - Monte Weaver and Oliver Lardner
- Houlton - Isaiah Gentle
- Mattanawcook Academy - Joshua Farrington
- Orono - Adam Henderson
- Penquis - Cayden Cyr
- PCHS - Dawson Simpson
- Sumner - Connor Kelley
Class C Girls All Conference 1st Team
- Bucksport - Ella Hosfod, Jetta Shook and Natasha Monreal
- Calais - Megan Mitchell
- Central - Rylee Speed
- Dexter - Jillian Poliquin
- Houlton - Breanne Barton and Maddie Marino
- Mattanawcook Academy - Isabella Farrington
- Orono - Anna Molloy
- Washington Academy - Ellie Claverie
- Coach of the Year - Mike Garcelon - Bucksport
- Player of the Year - Ella Hosford - Bucksport
- Team Champions - Bucksport
All Conference 2nd Team
- Bucksport - Alyssa Mguire
- Calais - Mercedes Owen
- Central - McKenzie Rushlow, Cassidy Hanson and Issy Allen
- Dexter - Abby Corson and Cally Gudroe
- GSA - Clementine Bannon
- Mattanawcook - Bryn Weatherbee
- Orono - Eleanor Tyne
- Sumner - Bri Flaherty
All Conference 3rd Team
- Bucksport - Johanna Stiles
- Central - Lexi Gibson
- Dexter - Elizabeth Kinney
- Houlton - Natalie DeLucca and Samantha Johnson
- Orono - Adella MaBee and Emerson Walston
- PCHS - Lauren Ronson
- Washington Academy - Siobhan Duffy, Cara Sanchez and Ayla Zanoni
Honorable Mention
- Penquis - Hope Lovell
- Sumner - Brooklyn Newenham
- Washington Academy - Raeanah Reynolds
- Mattanawcook Academy - Lauren House
Class D Boys All Conference 1st Team
- Bangor Christian - Zach Shaw, Jalen Reed and Adam Groski
- Lee Academy - Ethen Allard
- Machias - Jayden Rhodes
- PVHS - Nick Reed and Isaac Doore
- Schenck/Stearns - Kadan Hannah
- Searsport - Joshua Wright and Sam Cahill
- Woodland - Cyrus Sewell
- Coach of the Year - Jason Lewis - Bangor Christian
- Player of the Year - Jayden Rhodes - Machias
- Team Champions - Bangor Christian
All Conference 2nd Team
- Deer Isle Stonington - Elijah Stinson
- Greenville - Matthieu Adrien and Jace Spring
- Lee Academy - Luis Soto and Nick Allard
- Machias - Kashman Feeney and Kyle Anderson
- Schenck/Stearns - Nick Powers and Ryan Ingalls
- Shead - Jesse Cook
- Woodland - Reese Sabattus
All Conference 3rd Team
- Bangor Christian - Nicholas Hoeben
- Deer Isle Stonington - Luna Perry-St.Peter
- Greenville - Dominic Murray and Lukaus Miller
- Lee Academy - Andrew Scott
- Machias - Lucas Robinson and Ethan Libby
- Searsport - Gage Ellis
- Woodland - Alden Bacon
Class D Girls Soccer All Conference 1st Team
- Bangor Christian - Grace Lewis
- Greenville - Lexi Bjork
- PVHS - Emilee Ireland, Ali Gilman and Rebecca Carson
- Schenck/Stearns - Hannah Sewall and Alisyn Alley
- Searsport - Kyla Perkins, Lily Nadeu and Jordan Greeley
- Woodland - Nicole Cox
- Coach of the Year - Jeremy Durost - PVHS
- Player of the Year - Nicole Cox - Woodland
- Team Champions - PVHS
All Conference 2nd Team
- Greenville - Lila Kronholm, Addi Menz, Eva Patrick and Lakely St. Jean
- PVHS - Maggie LeBlanc, and Holly Loring
- Schenck/Stearns - Mackenzie Friel
- Shead - Katherine Bartlett and Lindsay Donahue
- Woodland - Hannah Lockenwitz, Amy Cox and Victoria Siering
Boys All Academic
- Bangor Christian - Adam Groski and Sean Jost
- Bucksport - William Bissonette, Hugh Jack, Gabriel LeClair, Nathan Paulauskas and Colin Simpson
- Calais - Bernard Yost
- Caribou - Alden Wilcox
- Deer Isle Stonington - Luna Perry St-Peter
- Ellsworth - Darren Easler
- Foxcroft Academy - Jacob Reed, Bodie Clark, James Jankunas and Jasper Maskowski
- GSA - Noah Czuj
- Hermon - Ryan Austin and Ethan Davis
- Houlton - Jacob Gentle and Isaiah Gentle
- John Bapst - Quinn Breen, Levi Peterson, Bill Le and Khoa Dao
- Lee Academy - Ethan Allard
- Mattanawcook Academy - Deegan Tidwell
- MDI - Sophia Baker, Ieuan Howell, Quentin Pileggi, Henning Reinholdt, Cedar Ellis and Julian Walls
- Orono - Adam Henderson, Tyleer Kenney, Noah Kreutz, Tommy Owen, Javier Alicea-Santiago, Andrew Melanson, Garrison Zhu and Chase Campbell
- Old Town - Brandon Madden and Connor McCannell
- Penquis - Grady Atkinson and Alvin Robshaw
- PCHS - Matt Chadbourne
- PVHS - Ryan Thompson
- Presque Isle - Ethan Shaw, Jonah Roy and McAtee Xavier
- Schenck - Kaden Hannan
- Washington Academy - Dillon Dow, Keaton Sawtelle, Emmitt Gardner, Ayden Wannemcher, Ben Savage and Rowan Morris
- Woodland - Sierra Bryant, Joanna Korasadowicz and Keagan Wormell
Girls All Academic
- Bangor Christian - Leah Higgins, McKenzie Hobert and Madison Coover
- Bucksport - Johanna Stiles and Alyssa Maguire
- Calais - Alexis Donahue, Catherine Bitar and Trinity Jones
- Caribou - Naomi Cote, Whitley Green, Kerrigan Guerrette, Cassidy Page, Gabrielle Sutherland,and Mia Theriault
- Central - Cassidy Hansen, Alexyss Curtis, Britni Grant, Abbey Young and Alexis Gibson
- Dexter - Elizabeth Kinney and Jasmine Lewis
- Ellsworth - Abby Bland, Margarita Nadeau, Addi Laslie, Julie Mattson and Paige Sawyer
- Foxcroft Academy - Kamryn Commeau, Rebekah Demers and Cheyanne Desautell
- GSA - Chloe Sheahan, Grace Whiting and Clementine Bannon
- Greenville - Ashley Bussell, Sklyer Larabee and Eva Patrick
- Hermon - Ashlin Allen, Charlotte Caron, Sydney Gallop, Madison Higgins, Abigail Hinchcliffe, Annie Labonte, Kamryn Morin, Alexis Raymond, Emily Treat and Elizabeth Wyman
- Houlton - Samantha Johnson, Olivia Henderson, Mia Henderson and Breanne Barton
- John Bapst - Gracie Soucy and Emma Coleman
- Mattanawcook Academy - Rylee Bubar, Erika LaDuke, Olivia Veillette and Bryn Weatherbee
- MDI - Bella Brown, Avary Bryer, Sabine Costello-Sanders, Natalie Rechholtn, Addison Smith, Hannah St. Amand, Sadie Sullivan and Lelia Weir
- Narraguagus - Mali Smith
- Orono - Ellan Allan Rahill, Emerson Walston, Megan Brewer, Riley Murray, Eleanor Tyne and Angelina Pitt
- Old Town - Avery Ell, Juliann Preble, Ashley Talcove, Hailee McCoy and Kylie Hornberger
- Penquis - Angela Bryden and Hope Lovell
- PCHS - Grace Buehne and Hailee Hartford
- PVHS - Rebecca Carson, Ali Gilman, Julia Durost and Emilee Ireland
- Schenck - Abigail Kelly, Hannah Sewell and Kylie Ingalls
- Shead - Katherine Bartlett, Ashlee Morang and Kahlysta Morris
- Stearns - Mackenzie Friel and Alisyn Alley
- Washington Academy - Izzy Lamb, Wren Fraser, Siobhan Duffy, Rowen Luuring and Raenah Reynolds

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