Did you know there are live cams set up along the Maine coast that can give you an up-close and personal look at Puffins and they stream 24/7?!

Explore.org YouTube
Explore.org YouTube

Well, consider yourself informed, because it's true!

You can take a little peek into the burrow of one of these beaked beauties, by clicking here! If you want to check them out on the rocks, click here.  They even have cameras set up on the exterior of their burrow, and on what they call a "loafing ledge" where Puffins like to gather around and hang out together. (The equivalent of an office water cooler, except their water...so much cooler here.)

Actually, you can see into more than just their burrow! Explore.org has cameras set up on the exterior of their burrow, and on what they call a "loafing ledge" where Puffins like to gather around and hang out together. (The equivalent of an office water cooler, except their water...so much cooler!)

"Located 21 miles off the coast of Maine on Seal Island, this live puffin cam gives an intimate glimpse inside a puffin burrow, where puffins nest and breed during the spring and summer months."

That's the description on their website.

The reality is so much more than just a glimpse!


You can hear all the little and loud noises these birds make. You can see, from all sorts of different angles, what these guys are looking at, what kind of weather they're encountering. It's pretty neat.

The website offers live cams from all over the world. There are watering holes in Africa, brown bear cams in Alaska, and you can watch exotic birds feed in Panama, and explore the world's oceans. It's pretty rad.

Jeff J Mitchell - Getty Images
Jeff J Mitchell - Getty Images

I like the other offerings from Maine because they're so picturesque. You can check out seals from this one. There's a view from an Osprey's nest here. You can peek inside a Guillemot burrow, here. 

These are live webcams you can actually share with your kids...No no need to hide these streams! They're safe for everyone to watch. And, should your kids be fans of the popular Netflix cartoon, Puffin Rock, you can guarantee they're gonna dig the real-life version of it! So if you find your weekend plans rained out for whatever reason, remember you can totally kill some time peeking at Puffins!

You're welcome!

25 Endangered Animals in Maine

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13 Animals You Can Actually Own in Maine That Might Surprise You

When it comes to house pets, are you a dog, cat, or ostrich person? Yes, ostrich. You may be surprised what pets you are legally allowed to own depending on what state you live in. Here is a list of 13 pets you can surprisingly own in the state of Maine.

You're Breaking The Law In Maine If You Have Any Of These Animals As Pets

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Gallery Credit: Getty Images

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