Protecting Houses of Worship – An online Presentation by Hancock/Washington County Emergency Management Association
If you are a member of a House of Worship located in Hancock and Washington County, you might consider attending the online presentation "Protecting Houses of Worship" on Thursday, February 29th from 6 to 9 p.m.
This presentation is sponsored by the Hancock County Emergency Management Agency; Washington County Emergency Management Agency; Maine Emergency Management Association; Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation- Boston Field Office, Portland Resident Agency; US Department of Justice Community Relations Service and the U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Maine.
In the presentation they will be talking about
- Security, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
- Active Shooter Preparedness, Response and Resources
- Building Your Own Emergency Operations Plan
- Faith-Based Experiences with public safety issues.
To register please send an email to by February 26th. Please 1 participant name per email; send additional emails if necessary
Please include
Organization Information
- Organization Name
- Organization Address
- Faith Based Affiliation
Participant Information
- Title (Reverend, Pastor, Doctor etc.)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Role
- Phone
Information about attending and links will be sent once registered.
I attended a presentation similar to this 4-5 years ago and it is eye-opening. For those that are under the belief nothing like this could happen in Hancock or Washington Counties, let me remind you no one believed that there would be a mass-shooting in Maine until the tragedy in Lewiston.