MPA Football Committee Recommends AGAINST Spring/Summer Tackle Football
The Maine Principal Association's Football Committee met in Bangor on Thursday January 29th and have recommended AGAINST Spring or Summer Tackle Football.
Currently, Tackle Football is listed as a "high risk" activity under the Maine Community Sports Guidelines. Unless this designation is modified, tackle football is not allowed.
During a lengthy MPA Football Committee meeting yesterday, the difficult discussion around the pros and cons for sponsoring some type of a late spring/early summer tackle football season if the "high risk" designation was modified took place. Within that discussion, the committee made protecting the spring sports season a priority, but also looked at safety issues, financial implications, and the impact that a summer program would have on other activities.
As a result of this conversation, the MPA Football Committee will not be recommending that they sponsor a school-based tackle football program in the spring/summer. They support efforts that would give senior football players a chance to finish off their football experience and would support a return to traditional summer programming that would prepare underclassmen for a fall season.