MDI X-Country Takes a Dip Prior to States [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]
Continuing a 10 plus year tradition, the MDI Cross Country Team took a little dip into the Atlantic Ocean the day before the State Class B Cross Country Meet! It was actually a 12 minute dip, designed to make sure their legs were free from any lactic acid. It was 41 degrees with a good wind, at least that's what my car thermometer said when I got back in and started up the heater!
I had such a fun time taking the photos and videos! These Trojans were into this! There was no hesitation, no complaining! There was plenty of singing, and plenty of laughing! Coaches Sirois, Long and I were bundled up on the Bar Harbor Inn "Beach" and we were laughing saying how cold our hands were, but how we couldn't complain out loud, at least while the Trojans were in the water!
We had tourists taking pictures and staff from the Bar Harbor Inn's Reading Room Restaurant waving to the Team as they waved back!
Best of luck tomorrow, October 27th in the State Finals! Run fast and have a good time!