Saturday, March 30th was an outstanding day for the MDI High School Music Program as the Mixed Show Choir won a Gold Medal, finishing in 1st place in Division 1 while the Trebles finished with a Bronze Medal!

The competition was held at Lawrence High School in Fairfield, and the MDI Mixed Show Choir battled Hampden for the State Title in the evening session.

The MDI Mixed Show Choir was directed by Bronwyn Kortge while the Trebles were directed by Catherine Forthofer and Frank Bachman

In addition the Mixed Show Choir was awarded a Judge's Commendation for outstanding choreography and Oriahnna Kelley earned a Musicianship Award.

Ava Twombly earned a Musicianship Award.for the Trebs.

Both the MIxed Show Choir and Trebs arrived back to the Island around 3AM on Sunday, March 31st. Sleep well and late, you deserve it! Congratulations!



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