MDI High School is 50 years old, and the 1st class graduated from the High School back in June of 1969, 50 years from this June, 2019. Athletic Director Bunky Dow would like to honor all athletic teams and members of those teams from the 1968-1969 school year in a ceremony at the Homecoming Football Game on Friday, October 12th.

To the best of Athletic Director Bunky Dow's knowledge there was a Football, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball and Cheering Team. If there are other teams from that year, please let Bunky Dow know!

All players, coaches and managers from those teams are asked to come to the game and be recognized at halftime of the MDI-John Bapst game.

If you are able to attend and be recognized, please send your name and team to or call the school at 207-288-5011 extension 3327.

All those from the Class of 1969 will meet at the end of the 1st Quarter to go over the final details.

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