MDI High School Teachers – Positive Thoughts February 2021 Part 1[VIDEO]
The 2020-21 school year has been difficult with COVID and the restrictions. While we acknowledge that the year has been tough, for students, teachers and parents there IS good news.
Teachers and students at MDI High School are working with technology and rethinking how classes are taught, subject matter and more. Students are taking more responsibility which will help them later in life.
WDEA's Chris Popper was joined by Kate Meyer (English-Design Thinking), Renee Laber,(Foreign Languages), Ruth Poland, (Science), Charlie Johnson (Art Media) and Wendy Littlefield (Business Office) to talk about things that are working at MDI High School
This is the 1st of a 2-part series. There is another video planned to be taped on Friday, February 19th with Casey Rush, Becky Leamon, Jenn Crandall and Kate Meyer.