On Sunday, June 7th at 2:00 MDI High School  will host its Graduation Ceremony in the gym parking lot at the High School followed by a parade through the communities in which our graduates live!

Below are the details as they currently stand.  Any updates will be communicated directly to the school community:

  • Each graduate will be allotted one parking spot at the school from which they can view the ceremony with members of their family from a vehicle.
  • Friends and family who are not able to be present at the ceremony will be able to follow along via radio broadcast on WDEA AM 1370 and WDEA Internet Radio and live video stream. Links for accessing these broadcasts will be available on the homepage of the school website
  • In keeping with tradition, two students will be chosen to present speeches.  These speeches will be pre-recorded for optimal broadcast and streaming conditions.
  • After the speeches students will be called to an outdoor stage to receive their diplomas
    • The presentation of diplomas will be made in a contactless, physically distant manner.
  • The parade will commence after the presentation of diplomas and will travel through the towns of:
    • Mount Desert
    • Bar Harbor
    • Trenton
    • Lamoine
    • Hancock
    • Ellsworth
    • Tremont
    • Southwest Harbor
    • There will be a special spot designated as a proxy location for students from our offshore Islands.
  • The exact parade route will be published once we have worked out the details with public safety from the towns.

According to Matt Haney While the spring of 2020 has been full of challenges and disappointments, we have worked very hard to find a way to honor this incredible group of young adults as they transition to the next phase in their lives.  Many people have collaborated on this project.  Particular credit goes to the Advanced Design Thinking class which took this project on as their design challenge for the year.  I’m proud of the collaborative work they produced under the leadership of their teachers Kate Meyer and Jeff Zaman. I’m also grateful for the many contributions to this celebration from our graduation task force, which includes office assistants Mary Corrow, Wendy Littlefield, and Jenny Rogers, educational technology director Mark Arnold, guidance staff Mark Carignan, Michele Gurtler, Megan Rowell, and Mary Wallace, senior class advisor Bo Greene, and administrative team members Ian Braun, Bunky Dow, and Julie Keblinsky.  As with all of our events, the maintenance staff has been amazing.  Finally, I’d like to thank the community.  I’ve been buoyed by the amount of support and love that’s been expressed to the Class of 2020.  We are blessed to live in a place that cares so deeply for its youth.”


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