The MDI Girls Soccer Team dropped their last regular season home game on Senior Recognition Day against Foxcroft Academy 2-1 on a cold, raw, rainy Saturday morning, on October 13th. It was the last regular season home game for Seniors Lily Turner, Sydney Kachmar, Brigette Olearcek, Alexis Clarito, Julia Watras and Maddy Candage.

2018 MDI Girls Soccer Seniors Photo Chris Popper
2018 MDI Girls Soccer Seniors Photo Chris Popper

Foxcroft Academy took a 1-0 lead with 4:21 remaining in the 1st Half on a goal by Kamryn Commeau.

MDI tied the game with 17:11 on Senior Alexis Clarito's 1st career goal on a one touch volley from a cross by Leila Weir

The game was tied until Foxcroft Academy's Olivia Wesley scored the game winning goal with  10:48 left in the game.

MDI's Sabine Costello-Sanders was in goal for the Trojans while Ashley Simko was in goal for the Ponies.

MDI 5-7-1 plays their last regular season game at Ellsworth on Tuesday, October 16th at 6PM.

Foxcroft Academy 6-7 finishes the regular season at home on Tuesday, October 16th against Mt. View at  4PM

Thanks to Coach May Dow for the information

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