Local Girls Advance to Top 10 of Miss Maine and Miss Teen Maine
The Miss Teen Maine and Miss Maine competition is happening this weekend in Portland and Downeast Maine is well represented!
Advancing to the Top 10 for Miss Teen Maine were
- Anna Brown
- Grace Morey
- Olivia Harper
Advancing to the Top 10 for Miss Maine were
- Hannah Fleming
- Sarah Phelps
Grace Morey and Jennie Daley were named Miss Congeniality and Hannah Fleming named Miss Photogenic
Thanks to Jessica Chadwick Snowdeal for the results
Update 3:25 - Grace Morey has advanced to the Top 5 of Miss Teen !
Update 3:37 - Hannah Fleming and Sarah Phelps have advanced to the Top 5 in Miss Maine
Update 3:50 - Olivia Harper was named People's Choice Award Winner for Miss Teen