Letter to Residents, Seasonal Residents and Visitors From Southwest Harbor Select Board
The Town Manager of Southwest Harbor, Justin Van Dongen posted the following letter to Residents, Seasonal Residents and Visitors on behalf of the Southwest Harbor Select Board.
You can read the full letter Letter to Residents and Visitors
In the paragraph addressed to the seasonal residents and visitors they said
"To our seasonal residents and visitors from around the world, we appreciate all that you do for our community. Our small businesses, from restaurants and B&B's to local crafters and lobstermen all rely on your contributions to the community. We hope that you also recognize that comes with a responsibility to this special place. The Board asks that all seasonal residents, currently living in their winter residence, continue to reside in their current location until the end or the State of Emergency declared by the Governor, in accordance with the guidance of the CDC. We recognize that this is not possible for all all seasonal residents and ask that you observe the following precautions if you must relocate to Southwest Harbor. Self-isolate in your residence for at least 14 days. If you show any signs of illness, even mild symptoms, contact your physician immediately and follow all medical advice.