HCTC Fundraiser for Bill Baker
Bill Baker is the former Culinary Arts Teacher at Hancock County Technical Center. He has taught thousands of students in the Downeast area at HCTC and retired from teaching in 2022. He is now dealing with cancer.
HCTC will host a special restaurant fundraiser to support Bill Baker during his cancer treatments. Bill is HCTC family and HCTC will do anything they can to support their loved ones.
HCTC will be serving up “Bill’s Famous Taco Salad” in house with an option for curbside. Each meal will cost $10 with all proceeds going back to the Baker Family. They will also have a dessert silent auction with items so graciously donated from Helen’s and Honey and Lace Baking Company.
The in-house meals will be served Wednesday, May 10th from Noon to 1 p.m. at HCTC. Only 50 meals can be served in person. To reserve your spot, please click HERE
30 Curbside reservations are available between 11:45 and 12:45 p.m. Same price, with the only difference that the taco salad will be served with taco chips rather than the fried taco bowl. To reserve your curbside spot, please click HERE
Anyone wishing to drop off cash or check donations for the Baker Family may do so at HCTC until May 10th.