Happy 84th Birthday Dad!
Happy Birthday Dad! I'm very, very fortunate that both my father and mother are still alive, and today, May 11th my Dad turns 84!
I couldn't ask for a better Dad, although there was that time that I cut my foot and couldn't go in the pool when we were in Florida and he bought me a raft and bellyflopped on it, popping it! But besides that episode, it's been great! He has taught me to be the man that I am, and has led by example teaching me that it's ok to have a fun time at night, but you have to be the first one in at work in the morning!
I couldn't have asked for a better role model, and his career as a hotel general manager took us to Key Biscayne Florida, and Southampton Bermuda! I wanted to be like him and that's why I went into hotel management, and managed hotels in Block Island Rhode Island and in Bangor Maine!
He told me that I can't give you lots of money (darn it!) but I can give you a good name, and it's up to you to keep the name clean and respectable. I hope I have done you proud!
Although we don't see each other in person every day, we do talk on the phone at least once a day, and better yet use Alexa Show to video conference almost everyday. If you have a loved one that lives a long distance away, you really should consider getting an Alexa Show for them and you! It's really the next best thing to being there in person! Plus they listen to WDEA in Florida, so he hears my voice on the radio hourly doing the weather and always listens to my sports broadcasts and remote broadcasts.
He's not on Facebook, but my mother lives on Facebook (she's the other Chris Popper you often see on my posts on Facebook), so I know he'll see this!
Happy Birthday!