Happy 60th Anniversary!
Today, June 13, 2019 is my parent's 60th Wedding Anniversary! I am so happy to be posting this, as we celebrated their 60th anniversary a year early last May, as my father was experiencing failing health.
Photo Chris Popper
Happily they are in Vermont for the summer, and I hope they have a terrific day! They are an inspiration to my wife and myself. I spoke to my parents this morning and my dad said he was giving my mom his Eagle Scout Badge to wear today for putting up with him for 60 years.
We have an Alexa show as do my parents. It's great because we can talk and see each other almost every night. With the Alexa show it's almost like being there. If you are away from a family member you should consider getting an Alexa show for you and them! As an added bonus you can listen to WDEA on Alexa