Today, November 20th is the Great American Smokeout. You don't hear about it as much as you used to, as Partnership for a Tobacco Free Maine no longer advertises on radio, and they used to run a lot of anti-smoking commercials. Maybe that's a sign that people are smoking less,  but I think it's more of a result of funds being diverted to other issues. If you still smoke, today's the day to stop! There are still people from our radio station that gather outside everyday right around 9 AM to have a cigarette, and I'm going to remind them that today's the day to try and stop!

Stopping smoking is hard! According to the American Cancer Society about 42 million Americans still smoke cigarettes, and tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States

If you're considering quitting, you should give the Maine Tobacco Helpline a call at 1-800-207-1230  The Maine Tobacco Helpline answers your questions and offers support to those who are thinking about quitting or who are ready to quit smoking, or those who want to help a friend or family member quit. You may qualify for the Medication Program where you can receive free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges.

Remember, quitting smoking or vaping is hard. Not many people can do it cold turkey. That's why support from the Maine Tobacco Helpline is so important. To read more about the Maine Tobacco Helpline click HERE

Good luck!


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