Good Luck to Maine High School Juniors on April 9th
Good luck to Juniors in Maine's High Schools! They'll be taking the SAT's on Tuesday, April 9th.
Remember to use a Number 2 pencil. Be careful filling out your score sheet, as answers are scored by machines. Do NOT bring your cellphone or smart watch in the testing area. If your device makes noise or you are seen using it at any time before testing is complete, including during breaks, it is grounds for immediate dismissal and score cancellation for EVERYONE in the testing room. Read all the questions carefully and answer the easier questions first. Eliminate answers in a question that you know are wrong. Check your score sheet regularly and make sure you are answering the proper question.
Get a good night's sleep, and eat a good breakfast. Remember the SAT doesn't measure your intelligence, it just measures how good you take the SAT's. SAT's are just one aspect of your college application. Every year, top colleges reject students with excellent SAT scores. Your transcript, recommendations, essays, and other parts of your application matter too!