We love when we can brag about the exploits of former MDI High School and Ellsworth High School students! We want to tell you about Elizabeth Dalton, who graduated from MDI High School in 2018 and is now a junior at UMaine!

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Photo via Facebook

According to her Facebook post

A few weeks ago I applied for a Fellowship Program through the University of Maine's McGillicuddy Humanities Center. Potential Fellows are expected to come up with a research project of their liking that will be reviewed to see if it is worthy of the $8,000 grant that is attached to the Fellowship Program.

This past Monday, I received the news that my project proposal was accepted! This coming spring and fall semesters, I will be working on my own research project that explores representations of the Middle Ages in the movies and on television. I will be examining why these screen depictions have proved so arresting, how historians should grapple with them, and what kinds of historical content might lead to a more informed public.

After spending so much time being in love with medieval era history, I am very excited to have this opportunity. It brings me one step closer to becoming an actualized medieval historian.”

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