First Day for Teachers and Staff – August 26
Wednesday, August 26th is the 1st Day for many teachers and staff in many school districts in our area, including my wife who will be starting her 33rd year at Nokomis High School.
Whether you are a first year teacher/staff member or a veteran teacher/staff member it's going to be like everyone is a 1st year teacher/staff member! Many teachers and staff haven't been in the buildings since mid-March when remote learning began. I know there's a feeling of nervousness. Normal beginning of the school jitters are exacerbated because of COVID-19.
Depending upon the situation and location, teachers are being asked to teach in-person, and remotely, both synchronously and asynchronously. They're worried about their own safety and the safety of their families. They're worried about having enough supplies, whether it be school supplies, or personal protective equipment for not only their own personal use, but for their students.
Be gentle with them. Take the cue from them. Some will want to talk about their day, some won't. Some will come home with their heads spinning. Some will not want to go back, while some will anxiously wait for their first day with kids.
Regardless, let's be ready to support our teachers and staff. My hope is that the first day is easy...And that every day after is easier and easier.