The Ellsworth High School Soccer Teams are playing host to Presque Isle on Monday, September 25th and Tuesday, September 26th, and Ellsworth High School is honoring area youth soccer players.

Tonight, Monday the Boys play at Del Luce Stadium with the JV Teams playing at 3:30 PM and the Varsity Teams playing at 5:30 PM. On Tuesday, September 26th the Girls JV Teams play at 3:30 PM and the Varsity Teams play at 5:30 PM.

All area youth soccer team players wearing their team jerseys will be admitted for FREE. During the starting lineups and the National Anthem, the youth players in jerseys can stand with the Ellsworth Soccer Players on the field. There will also be opportunities for them to play at halftime on the field. Please sign up prior to the game.

Normal admission prices apply to adults and those not in jerseys.. $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for students/senior citizends

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