Daylight Savings Time Begins Tonight March 11
It's time to spring forward and set your clocks ahead 1 hour before going to bed tonight on Saturday, March 10th as Daylight Savings Time begins at 2AM on Sunday March 11th. This is actually the 100th anniversary of when Daylight Savings Time began in the United States
Daylight Savings Time has been known as "Fast Time", "War Time" and "Peace Time" but throughout the purpose has always been the same, to save energy. The net result is that it will lighter later as sunset in Bar Harbor on Saturday, March 10th is at 5:34 PM and sunset tomorrow, Sunday, March 11th with be at 6:35 PM.
When you set your clocks ahead before going to bed, it's a good idea to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Do NOT take the batteries out without replacing them, even for a day. Detectors with older batteries are better than detectors with no batteries!