Cub Scout Pack 86 Info Night Thursday September 9th
Do you have a child in grades K - 5 in the Ellsworth area? If so, you may wish to attend the Cub Scout Pack 86 Info Night, which will be held Thursday night, September 9th at the Ellsworth VFW
Cub Scout Pack 86 meets on Sunday from 3 ot 4 p.m. at The Gatherings, located at 1208 Surry Road in Surry. Both boys and girls are invited to become members of Pack 86!
Activities that Pack 86 partake in include: Camping, Hiking, Rockets, Community Service, Pinewood Derby, Knife Safety, Outdoor Cooking, Teamwork, Outings and Friendship.
For more information please contact Cubmaster Kathy at 479-1557 or email her at kathyr73@hotmail.com

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