Cheertastic News For MDI Cheering’s Future
To build a great athletic program you have to have a great feeder program. MDI High School has been lucky to have that through the Acadian Youth Sports Program for baseball, basketball, softball, football and golf. Now, the Acadian Youth Sports Program has announced that they are starting a Cheering Program!
According to Kyle McKim the Executive Director of the Acadian Youth Sports League
"Good Afternoon, and Happy Halloween Sports Fans! Your Acadian Youth Sports Board of Directors and I are VERY excited to bring a NEW PROGRAM into the fold for the youth of the Greater MDI Area. We are officially announcing a CHEERING Program to begin very soon!!!!!! This will be for grades 3-8, The registration link is HERE, Please email me if you have ANY questions! kylemckim@acadianyouthsports.org These are very exciting times at Acadian Youth Sports! If you have a young athlete who'd like to give Cheering a shot, you can! Thank you to Jenny Saunders who has spearheaded this program!! Stay tuned for more details!!!!"