Cancer Free for 10 Years!
This is my nose! 10 years ago I had nasal cancer. Today, I went to Dr. Chasse, my Ear Nose and Throat doctor in Waterville, and he pronounced me 10 year cancer free! Praise God!
I have had 4 surgeries on my nose, and chemo and radiation. I lost my mustache, and even after 10 years, it doesn't want to grow back! Radiation is brutal, and to this day, 10 years later, I still can only breathe through 1 nostril. But, my nose is still there, I am alive and life is good!
Dr. Chasse told me I just have to keep having CAT scans yearly, and send them down to him. I don't need to go see him unless I have a problem. I do get sinus infections fairly frequently, but it's because of the radiation and having no hair in my nose.