Benefits for Kilee Campbell
Cancer sucks! It sucks whether you are a middle aged adult, it sucks whether you are a senior citizen. It especially sucks if you are a young girl in 7th grade. That's the case with Kilee Campbell who attends the Lamoine Consolidated School.
On March 21, 2018 Kilee was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which is sometimes referred to as ALL. It's a disease that impacts 1 out of every 50,000 people. Kilee is currently receiving treatment, and both of her parents have taken a leave of absence from their jobs to be with her and her brother, during this very difficult time.
Treatment for ALL is expensive and extensive, and treatment typically lasts between 2 and 3 years. Because of this, it is almost impossible for families and individuals to deal with the expenses, no matter how good their insurance is.
3. Finally, a gofundme page has been established by Dr. Brad Woodford of Bangor Braces. He will match up to $5000 that is raised through this campaign. Here is a link to the gofundme page