Beach Hazard Warning Friday July 28
There is a Beach Hazard Warning in effect today, Friday, July 28th from 8AM until 8PM Areas affected include Acadia National Park, Lamoine Beach, Schoodic Point Peninsula, Castine, Roque Bluffs State Park and Quoddy Head State Park.
The warm air temperatures of low to mid 70's on Friday July 28th may cause people to underestimate the dangers of the cold water temperatures which are currently only in the mid to upper 50’s. .
Anyone on boats, or paddlecraft should use caution and be prepared for immersion and the cold water, according to the warning issued by the National Weather Service.
Beach Hazard Statements are issued on days when a significant number of boats and paddlecrafts are expected to be out on the water and when warm air temperatures may cause people to underestimate the dangers of the cold water. Paddle smart from the start. Always wear your lifejacket. Be aware of wind conditions, tides and localized currents.