Acadia Youth Sports Accepting T-Ball, Softball and Baseball Registration
The Acadia Youth Sports Organization is now accepting registration for T-Ball, Softball and Baseball for Teams and Leagues this Spring and Summer. They are also in need of volunteers and coaches!
The League is accepting signups for
- Ages 6-8 Coed Farm League (Tee Ball-Coach Pitch)
- Ages 9-10 Minor Softball
- Ages 11-12 Major Softball
- Ages 13-14 Junior Softball
- Ages 9-10 Minor Baseball
- Ages 11-12 Major Baseball
- Ages 13-14 Junior Baseball
To sign up, click HERE
Coed Farm League – This is Coach Pitch or Tee Ball and would begin Mid May practice followed with a 5-6 week schedule of games. Games are played at the Town Hill Field on Saturday Mornings, usually from 9-11am.
Minor and Major Softball AND Baseball – Looking to start practices mid-April (weather permitting). Games would begin the first of May. The AYS Teams would play a local schedule most likely with the Ellsworth teams. Would love to get games with Coastal, Machias, and Sunrise Little Leagues if possible.
Junior Softball AND Baseball – Provided we can field teams, and other towns do as well, we would begin in June essentially after the School seasons. More detail to follow at the level.
The following Covid-19 Rules will be in effect to keep everyone safe
- Umpires will call the plate from behind the pitchers mound for the season
- Players must have a mask
- There will be district tournaments
- State tournaments are scheduled, dates to follow