5-Year-Old Girl Applies to Town of Lamoine to Keep Unicorn
You probably know that we have two Great Danes. Five-year-old Brielle Hamor wants a unicorn, and her birthday is coming up in February.
Now you can just imagine the conversation happening at the Hamor household.
- "Mom, I want a unicorn for my birthday!"
- Mom replied, "Well, you'll have to check with the Town, I'm not sure they're allowed to live in Lamoine."
Now you know that the mom was secretly relieved, thinking she had successfully dodged the bullet on this one.
But, lo and behold Brielle wrote a letter to the Town of Lamoine.
Brielle politely asked for permission to have a unicorn in her backyard if she can find one and asked for an application.
Now Stu Marckoon is the long-time (30-year) administrative assistant for the Town of Lamoine! He's also the dad of two grown girls, so he knows a thing or two about little girls and their love for unicorns. Stu promptly replied to Brielle, copying the Select Board and the town clerk.
And Stu enclosed an application form, which Brielle excitedly completed Friday morning!
As you can see the unicorn's name will be Luna, and the unicorn will be born on Mystical Island. It looks like the Unicorn will have a rainbow house for shelter, plenty of rainbows to eat, and will be friendly! The good news too is that someone will clean up after Luna. (And let me tell you living Great Danes... there's plenty to clean up if you know what I'm talking about.)
Now while this is a first for the Town of Lamoine, back in December, Los Angeles County granted a girl permission to keep a unicorn if she could find one too.
We will keep you updated and see if this application makes it onto the Lamoine Select Board's agenda.